Enrollment » Lifeskills




Life-Long Guidelines


The following guidelines are needed for any meaningful relationship to flourish:

  • Truthfulness, Trustworthiness, Absence of Threat/Nurturing Environment, 

      Active Listening, and Personal Best 


Personal Best is further defined by the Lifeskills listed below.


The emphasis on supporting these skills and guidelines are year-long. Rather than a specific curricular focus for a short period of time, these skills are processed and applied to all we do. This helps to build a supportive environment where students feel safe and willing to share and take risks academically. Building self-confidence and courage is one of our primary goals. Students are making a special choice joining one of the SLV Charter programs. It takes courage on their part and support from all of us to nurture that decision into the strength it shows later in life. We are very proud of the accomplishments our students have made.


  • ORGANIZATION is my ability to plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way
  • FLEXIBILITY is my ability to alter plans when necessary.
  • PROBLEM SOLVING is when I seek solutions in difficult situations and every day problems.
  • PERSEVERANCE is my ability to continue on spite of difficulties.
  • RESPONSIBILITY is so I can respond when appropriate, and be accountable for my actions.
  • EFFORT for when I need to try my hardest.
  • INTEGRITY is when I conduct myself according to a sense of what's right and wrong.
  • COMMON SENSE is when I use good judgment.
  • COOPERATION for when I work with others toward a common goal
  • PATIENCE is for when I need to wait calmly for someone or something.
  • SENSE OF HUMOR so I can laugh and be playful without hurting others.
  • CARING is so I can feel concern for others.
  • CURIOSITY is my desire to learn about the world around me.
  • MORAL COURAGE is when I act according to my beliefs.
  • FRIENDSHIP so I can make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.
  • INITIATIVE is so I can do something because it needs to be done.
  • PRIDE is the satisfaction I get from doing my personal best.
  • RESOURCEFULNESS is to meet challenges and opportunities in an innovative & creative way.
  • JOIE de VIVRE is my ability to enjoy each and every day to its fullest.

-LIFESKILLS from S. Kovalik & Associates