Charter News•October 21, 2022

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions and the roots spring up and make new trees. -Amelia Earhart


Dear Charter Families,


Well, I still feel like I am catching up, so if I have seemed slow to reply to emails, I appreciate your patience; I have prioritized emails based on highest student and classroom needs, or made direct phone calls when possible. I can also now be reached by phone via the Charter office if you call.

As a dependent Charter, we share the same goals and social-emotional broad focus as the other schools of the district and have the ability to tailor how it is presented, based on our Mission and Vision and the current student needs. Currently, the District is focusing on building Empathy.

Empathy allows you to build social connections with others. By understanding what people are thinking and feeling, you are able to respond appropriately in social situations. Empathizing with others helps you learn to regulate your own emotions and it promotes helping behaviors and communication which in turn helps learning and general positive outcomes between each other.

I am thankful we are a school of choice, where parents and students step in, aware of the need to work together as a ‘family’ community. We have a small population of students so we can work more holistically and organically -personalizing as much as we can.  We can tailor our conversations based more specifically not just to developmental milestones, but also on our students’ growing edge. This can then help them feel safe so that they can do their best academically and socially. 

In addition to working with the District’s current focus on Empathy, Ms. Sims works with a theme of the month, teaching  students' activities that tie to this theme.  The teachers and staff work on specific Life Skills in their classes based on what they notice can help the student's learning. We use Positive Discipline (not PBIS), emphasize the Life Skills and Restorative practices when needed. All of this helps build students' ability to empathize, feel more in tune, and ready to learn.

Walking around the campus and classrooms this past week, I was amazed by the many examples I saw that helped build our students build empathy with each other.  Here are some of the events that I have seen this past week.

  • A 6th grade teacher took the time to respectfully sit down with two students and talk with them to build greater empathy around a specific event that they could more strongly support in the future.
  • Several middle school students jumped rope with the K-5 students during lunch break, helping them learn how to play and sharing empathetic words when the youngers became frustrated.
  • Four students were talking together, clarifying the rules of their modified dodge ball game. They were holding the balls still and listening to each other as they were discussing. When I stepped in to explain some safety rules, they politely listened and explained their thoughts so that everyone more easily came to an agreement on adjustments to the rules.
  • When a younger child stepped outside of the classroom because they were upset, I saw two fellow classmates step out at separate times, and sit next to them to make sure they were ok.


Ms Sims has been talking to students about the importance of Moral Courage and being an upstander when you see or hear something that is negatively affecting a student(s) or is unsafe or disrespectful.  I thank those parent helpers and students who are showing their Moral Courage.

Please read on for updates on: -Fashion Teens, -WASC, -parking lot safety, -All-Charter Play reminders, -Drive for school, -Parent Advisory Meeting, -more

NOTE: Your program teachers send out specific information for you.  Please make sure to read them.  I will begin to consolidate some highlights from each at the bottom of the Charter News for those that are interested.  We will also be further updating our website so that it contains links to the calendar for Nature Academy parents, after-school sports for secondary students, and other pertinent parent and student information.         


WASC Update:
As many of you know, we had our WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) came to visit our school and programs Monday, the 17th-Wednesday, the 19th last week. 


The purpose of their review is to ensure that schools:  -foster excellence in elementary, secondary, adult and postsecondary institutions, and supplementary education programs’. The Commission encourages school improvement through a process of continuing evaluation and recognizes institutions through granting accreditation to the schools that meet an acceptable level of quality in accordance with the established criteria. Most high schools and many private K-12 schools receive accreditation from the WASC Commission. 


The WASC team reviewed all the criteria required in our report; talking to students, parents, teachers, staff, board members and the district cabinet and observing all the classrooms in action. I am happy to say that they were very pleased with what they saw. I have not received their final report, nor have we received the accreditation from the WASC commission itself, but can report that they verbally shared how impressed they were in what we offered and how active and involved the students were.  They also shared how clear it was that the students really ‘loved’ their teachers.  I should be receiving the report within a week or so and was told that the Commission’s accreditation will come a few months afterward. 

Thank you to everyone who helped in so many ways to help with this important visit, and for those parents and students who took the time to talk to them about your experience with our school and programs.  It was incredibly rewarding to hear them speak so highly of our efforts in creating a school that really does strive to follow our Mission, Vision, and School-wide Outcomes; working with heart on our goals and progress in all academic and SEL areas.

Fashion Teens: A Program for Social and Environmental Activists 2023: a note from Kenda, in our QHIA program

I am wanting to start meeting with our middle and high school students who are interested in participating and/ or may want help with their project and/or application for Fashion Teens this year.  We had students who attended last year and even won in various categories. 


Fashion Teens 2023 is happening earlier than in previous years which means deadlines are sooner as well. Students who are interested in participating should start ASAP.


Applications are due December 9th! The show will be at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds on March 11, 2023.


For more information, you can check out their website

If you are interested in participating please fill out this form: Fashion Teens 2023 Interest Form 


-Kenda Landers


Parking Lot DROP OFF/PICK UP of Students: (Nature Academy/QHIA) 

When dropping off and picking up students please pull over to the right side of the parking lot in order to give room to vehicles that need to pass on the left to exit. Families please be aware of students and staff coming and going in the parking lot.


Drive 4 Schools:

Drive 4 Schools was highly successful for all of our programs this year. These funds support field trips and special projects that the students do throughout the school year. The Charter programs collectively raised $19,543.00 for their programs! Congratulations everyone! 


Parent Resources: Free online live tutoring now available. 

Students can now have 24-hour access to various resources, including live 1:1 tutors. This is a fantastic resource for our students and families. Here is the link to check it out:


Parent Advisory Committee meeting Tuesday, November 15 at 9:30.  We will meet in the Library.  For those who cannot meet in person, you can connect via Zoom (10/21/22 This is an updated link)

It is my hope that we can pick up the threads from the conversations that were started in March before my untimely medical issue stopped me from my ability to work. This meeting will be focused on the WASC visit and their schedule.  

These meetings are designed to ensure we have parent input into critical documents that are the backbone of the Charter as well as supporting the growth and development of the campus activities and culture of the Charter as a whole..  Yearly this committee gives input to our Local Control Accountability Plan (includes our school goals and funding) School Safety Plan, Annual Parent Survey, and our 5 year Charter Petition Renewal and Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accreditation review.


Our All Charter Musical is back!

This year we are thrilled to present, Peter Pan: Somebody to Love. It is, once again, an original script written by Janinne Chadwick, our local playwright from Ben Lomond. All the familiar characters will be in this tale; the Lost Boys, warrior girls, dastardly delightful pirates, motown mermaids, and more! Classic songs from disco, rock, motown, and pop are rewritten to fit the script and move the plot along.

Amber had an informational meeting on Tuesday, October 18 at 6:00pm for students and parents in our Multi-purpose room.

Parents received a synopsis of the script, heard about characters, musical numbers, and detailed info on the audition process, rehearsal schedule, and participation requirements. A few things to note:

  • Performance Week: January 30-February 5
  • All January Rehearsals, beginning Tuesday, Jan. 10, are mandatory.
  • Participants must sign up prior to auditions. A link will be provided to all charter families on October 18. Students may not "drop-in" once auditions have begun.
  • Students and Parents will be asked to sign a behavior expectation contract. Actors must be able to focus and take direction independently, without their parents being present to assist in behavior support for their child (although parent support for all cast members during rehearsals and performances is crucial to the success of our play). 
  • All students who audition are cast in the show!

K-5 Auditions: 2:45-5:15pm, Wed./Thurs., November 2, 3

Middle School/High School Auditions: 2:45-5:15pm, Tues./Wed., November 8,9

Call Backs K-12 (selected participants): 2:45-5:15pm, Thurs. November 10


Rehearsals: 2:45-5:15pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, *beginning Nov. 15

All auditions and rehearsals through December are held in the library and multipurpose room on the Quail Hollow Campus.

Please make every effort to attend the informational meeting on Oct. 18 at 6:00pm, in the multipurpose room for clarification and details. *If you cannot attend the meeting, please use the link mentioned above to sign up your student. Thank you! The Charter Theater Booster Club and I look forward to bringing back this treasured charter tradition!


Please email me directly with any questions at [email protected].


~Amber Walker


Accessing Ms. Sims our counselor. or Ms. Geist our RSP teacher:  For family confidentiality and safety, if you have individual appointments with Ms. Sims or Ms.Geist during school hours (8:00-3:00) please park outside of the CRHS staff parking lot gates and walk around to the right of the building (flag pole side), and access either of them through their outside office doors rather than walking through the high school Center room. 


What’s growing in the Gardens:

CRHS Environmental Horticulture -  Our focus this week was on companion and edible herbs.  Students reviewed the 8 benefits of companion planting and were introduced to several herbs.  We took a tour of the herbs currently in our garden which are rosemary, variegated lavender, strawberry mint, chocolate mint, bronze fennel, sage, and oregano.  Then students planted marjoram, stevia, florence fennel, lemon thyme, lemon balm, dill, berggarten sage, french lavender, white sage, garlic chives, and moroccan mint.  We also added all of the worm castings we harvested a few weeks ago to all of the plants we have planted this year and weeded another bed in preparation for planting garlic next week. Students ended the class tasting some unusual fruits: passion fruit, goldenberries, and sungold kiwis!  

CRMS and QHIA 8th Grade - This month's class was all about cold composting! We looked at a pie graph that shows all of the trash generated in the U.S. and noticed that 54% of our trash is composed of yard waste, food, and paper which can all be composted.  We discussed the 4 ingredients of compost which air, water, greens, and browns.  Students then learned how to create a "compost lasagna" by layering equal amounts of browns and greens. They then filled two compost bins with layers of dried weeds, manure, and coffee grounds. Students ended the class planting narcissus bulbs and yellow, red, and white yarrow seeds. 

Fall Creek and QHHS 4th/5th - We discussed the 4 ingredients of compost: Air, Water, Greens, and Browns.  Students then learned how to create a "compost lasagna" by layering equal amounts of browns and greens. They then filled both compost bins with leaves, manure and coffee grounds.  Students also planted narcissus bulbs and alyssum seeds.


Student Absences: REMINDER

For Nature Academy families, everyday that your child is absent from school you need to call our attendance line at 831-336-8527 to report their absence. Please leave your child's name, your name, and the reason for the absence.

For Homeschool families if your child will be absent from enrichment classes please contact your teacher of record to report their absence.


Coast Redwood High School Information:

Parking Lot Safety: With all of the CRHS teachers/staff returning to our campus on Monday, our parking lot will be at capacity.

There have been a few close calls between students, bicycle riders, skateboarders, and vehicle drivers navigating in and out of the staff parking lot. In several cases, too close to call.

We are requesting, for safety purposes, that parents drop off and pick up their students outside of the CRHS gates and not utilize the staff parking lot as a turnout. Students will be directed to wait for their rides at the bus stop or along the wooden fence outside of the CRHS gates, or at the lower campus parking lot.


Please do not park in front of the bus stop. Our wonderful bus drivers pull out of the district office driveway and turn right into their first bus stop at noon and again at 2:10. Parents and student drivers are encouraged to utilize the lower campus parking lot where your student may also meet you as they descend the stairs from CRHS to the lower campus. Or as suggested, 

park along the wooden fence on Marion just outside of our gates. 



Dear Parent / Guardian:


This notice is to inform you that Santa Cruz County has dropped to a lower status as it relates to COVID-19. While the County COVID rates may go up and down there is still a higher exposure potential in a school setting. Due to the potential of being exposed to someone with COVID-19 (both in and out of school), we encourage ALL students to follow the actions below to protect one another:  


  • CDPH recommends that students wear a mask while in indoor settings to protect themselves and to prevent the spread of COVID-19. High-quality masks with a good fit and filtration provide the best protection.  


  • If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, stay home, email your school site’s Health Office and get tested. You may pick up home test kits from any school site or the District Office. In addition, students can be tested at one of our Inspire testing locations.  


  • If you test positive for COVID-19, isolate at home and notify your students’ school site Health Office right away. 


This general notification will be sent each week in lieu of providing individual exposure notifications for COVID-19. Note that infections diagnosed in students and school staff are not necessarily the result of exposure at school, and when safety protocols are followed in schools, COVID-19 transmission remains more likely to occur outside of school settings. 


Thank you for considering this important information. We consider the health and wellbeing of our community a priority. Additional information can be found at 2022-2023 SLVUSD Students: General Protocol for Symptoms and Positive Test Results. 


Health Office Contact Information  Charter – [email protected] 



San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District


Student Nutrition Services: FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH

  • All SLVUSD students are eligible to receive a free breakfast and lunch through the cafeteria.
  • Complete the Free/Reduced Lunch Application at
  • Although a meal application is not necessary to receive free meals during the 2022-2023 school year, households are encouraged to complete a meal application to ensure that your school receives accurate funding. As well, your child’s eligibility for free or reduced lunch could qualify you for additional outside services or benefits including Free/Reduced Bus passes, student fee waivers, P-EBT, discounted utilities, and more.
  • Meals will be served from our Multi-use Room in the central area of the campus. 
    • Mondays: 11:45-12:15 
    • Tuesdays, Thursdays and a few Mondays  12:10 - 12:40
    • Wednesdays: 12:00-12:30
    • Fridays: 11:50-12:20
    • Breakfast will be available in the mornings from 8:00-8:30
    • Lunch will be served as followed:
    • CRHS students can order lunch and they can pick it up from the Charter multi-use room.
    • More details are coming from our Student Nutrition department. SLV Student Nutrition Services.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities are available at all school sites. Parent volunteers are especially important for the Charter programs. The registration process for volunteers is as follows:

Ø  New Volunteer:  You will be required to pick up and fill out the volunteer paperwork from your school site and obtain a signature from the school site administrator. Once complete, please bring your signed paperwork to the Human Resources Office. You will be required to provide verification of a current TB result.  Also, all new volunteers will be required to be fingerprinted.


Ø  Returning Volunteer:  You will be required to provide verification of current TB results. This documentation can be provided to your child's school site. The school site will forward current TB results to the Human Resources Office. You may also bring the proof of current TB results directly to the Human Resources Office.


PLEASE NOTE:  The Human Resources Office hours will accept volunteer registrations on Tuesdays from 7:00-11:00 am and Thursdays from 12:30-3:30 pm. The Human Resources Office is located at 325 Marion Avenue, Ben Lomond, CA 95005.
