Charter News • October 20

“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”

~ Henry David Thoreau


Dear families,


This is a short newsletter, with a few updates that are right around the corner, this week and the next,


Our SLV Charter teachers and support team continue to find various ways to work with you and your student.  Our mental health counselor has created a few additional groups for support, one for our families who have lost their homes, one for our high school students who need to unwind together.  Robin and I continue to have our R & R coffee check-in for parents to hear from each other and share concerns and ideas on how to live and learn together, even when the Blursdays are driving you a bit crazy.  Our students are stepping up and finding ways to support each other, encouraging each other to do their best in Zooms, in completing lessons, creating clubs, and chat times during lunch and after lessons.  Please ask your student how they have been connecting with their peers and teacher(s) these last few weeks.   


A huge shout out to all the teachers who continue to go above and beyond by creating go-bags or go-boxes so students can have hands-on assignments, various breakout Zoom or Google classroom ideas designed to support not only course work lessons but also encouraging students’ unique interests as ways for students to socialize together while they are also learning.


Please read on to find the days and times of our various Zoom support groups for parents and our Thriller Zombie activity.


And don’t forget to support your student's school work by connecting with their teachers through their google classrooms or via their office hours when needed. Teachers love to hear from parents when things are going well, by the way!


Thank you for allowing us into your homes during Zoom times, creating a space for your children to work, supporting them to do their best, checking in with them about their classes and progress, and communicating with us whenever needed.  

Take care,






R & R Coffee Chat Check-in for parents:

You are invited to our

R(honda) & R(obin) 

coffee check-in

This is an open zoom meeting invitation for Charter parents to join Rhonda Schlosser, our Charter Administrator and Robin Bates, our Mental Health Specialist. This meeting is open to all to spend time with us, brainstorm issues, listen to your challenges and successes, and offer support in our road ahead together.

Next meetings are:

  • Thursday, October 22nd, starting at 10:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting  October 22 Coffee check-in

We look forward to “having coffee” and conversation with you!




Thriller Community Dance Video Opportunity: Attention Funky Zombies! 

Our Charter has participated in Thrill the World and the Riverside Ave. Flashmob for 15 years!

Unfortunately, on Halloween this year, the undead will not be gathering on Riverside Ave. to get their groove on, and there is no Thrill the World event in Santa Cruz. To keep this tradition going, HOWEVER, you can take part in a compilation community Zombie Thriller Dance Video! Just click on the links to watch the instructional video on YouTube, and email any portion of your dance (it doesn’t need to be the whole routine) to the email address below. Dance with your family, dance with your pets! 

DEADLINE to send in your video clip: October 28.

*Please wear Zombie attire or your Halloween costume in your video. The Funky Zombies must march! (even if it’s only onscreen : )

Instructional Video Slow version (full dance):

Instructional Video Full Dance, Full Speed:

Send video clip to: [email protected]

Let’s do this! (add dance youtube links)




From the Santa Cruz County Office of Education.  Santa Cruz COE kicked off LGBTQ+ History Month with a fun event that brought together students, educators, elected officials, and LGBTQ+ leaders in our community to celebrate the important contributions and accomplishments of LGBTQ+ people in history, and challenged you to join us in a month-long educational LGBTQ+ History Challenge to learn about 31 LGBTQ+ people and events in local and U.S. history throughout October (view the recording of the Kick Off here). We are excited to invite you to join us on October 30th at 3pm for a fun game of virtual trivia to discover what we've learned from the challenge! 

How to participate:

  • We've put together a sample list of 31 LGBTQ+ people and events in history, and throughout the month, we've been adding hints to our padlet to help you know where to go to do your research - check it out here and view the attached flyer to begin studying! 
  • It's more important than ever to celebrate fall activities safely this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19 - but that doesn't mean we can't have fun! We invite you to wear your halloween costume or paint your face for virtual trivia if you wish!
  • Join us at this zoom link on Friday, October 30th at 3:00 p.m. for virtual trivia. Did I mention there are going to be fun prizes for the winners? 
  • This link will also be posted on our challenge webpage on the day of the event. 



Parent Advisory Committee:  Next Meeting is Tuesday, November 10 at 10:30am.

Our Parent Advisory Committee met again and discussed how the sub-committees can begin to support the move to the Quail Hollow site.  We will need to combine the various small ‘libraries’ and resource materials into one location, and purging old items and finding out what type of library with work best for our various age ranges is one of the first tasks on the list.  Exploring outdoor spaces is also near the top of the priorities once the Phase 1 part of the site renovation is completed.  More information to come!


Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, however, please remember that it is important to have a consistent group of parents to represent each program in the Charter.  This Committee helps advise on various Charter annual activities, reports, including the budget and Charter renewal.  They then report out in their various program parent meetings and gather additional information from the parents in the programs.



From our Student Nutrition: Free meals extended USDA has extended FREE meals to all children 18 and under, through the 2020/2021 school year!!!  We want all families to know that you are not taking meals from someone who needs it more, they are for all children. You are providing meals to your students that are comforting and familiar. Participating in the school meal program supports our Student Nutrition Program and helps sustain and grow it. 


Alisia Munoz-Rojas, SNS Manager

SLVUSD Student Nutrition Services

(831) 335-5384



COVID testing sites:

Here is a link for the county testing page, which also includes some CVS locations.


Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday, November 11: School Holiday
  • Monday, November 23-Friday, 27th  Thanksgiving Break


Administrator: Rhonda Schlosser: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Danelle Matteson: [email protected]

Registrar: Jane Hendricks [email protected]

Mental Health Counselor: Robin Bate [email protected]

HS Academic Counselor: Mary Zilge  [email protected]

