Secure Playing Online for students (parents welcome any time)

Secure Playing Online for students (parents welcome any time)
4/30/2024, 12:40 PM 1:40 PM
Slv charter - Multi-Purpose Room

School Log summary:

Mental Math/Logic Collaboration: Class brainstormed on number of tries to guess a random number between 0-9 (took two tries).  Then a random 3-digit alphanumeric combination and was unable to after 10 tries.  Why it would take many, many tries (36 * 36 * 36) to guess the 3-digit alphanumeric rather than 1-digit integer.  Implications for password strength/cracking in computer applications.  Why length and complexity are important in passwords being strong enough to withstand brute-force attacks.

Technology: Discussion with the class the importance of cyber safety and keeping personal information private.  Discussed passwords; brainstormed similarities and differences between real-world and online trust; what kind of data is passed along to computer applications in an average session, walking through scenarios with different kids representing differing bits of personal data (name, birthday, location history). Q&A on things like black-hat/white-hat hackers, account automated defense against brute-force attacks, what comes across as trustworthy vs. untrustworthy behavior in online interactions.

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